About us

Our mission is to provide health education, awareness and other related services to adults and children in underprivileged and underdeveloped areas in West African villages of West Africa and Togo. We also provide medical assistance in forms of medical supplies, medical consultations and with health related assistance of other volunteers in Togo and West Africa with needed medical services and facilities.

Our Mission

Our mission is to provide health education, awareness and other related services to, underprivileged and undeveloped areas in West Africa, and at the same time will be focusing on health and well being of older adults and children in the remote communities of Togo and West Africa. OSV-Togo wishes to Provide needed medications and health services to the needy in these communities. OSV-Togo’s main goal of reducing mortality and morbidity rate in these under served communities of these parts of the country.

Action: Run health awareness, education and training programs for(Older adult and children) Provide medical assistance in forms of medical supplies, medical consultation and with assistance of trained volunteers in Togo and West Africa to provide needed medical services and to manage medical facilities that would be used for serving the communities. OSV-Togo will work with other NGO’S to provide food programs for school children and the elderly population. Educational grants will be introduces for poor families.